777 & Other Qabalistic Writings
£22.85 Ex Tax: £22.85
777 Other Qabalistic Writings by Aleister Crowley edited and introduced by Dr. Israel Regardie, find within the three texts of Gematria, Sepher Sephiroth, and 777...
Book of Thoth (v3 #5)
£22.45 Ex Tax: £22.45
About one of the most popular Tarot decks worldwide, this book by Aleister Crowley explains his deck in his own words how to interpret the numerological, Qabalistic and astrological symbolism mingled with his Tarot...
Divination Conjure Style by Starr Casas
£14.65 Ex Tax: £14.65
In Divination Conjure Style Starr Casas shares the secrets of conjure-style divination that she learned at home and that, until very recently, were family secrets that were only transmitted orally. Traditional conjure is the domain of the poor and di..
365 Days of Hoodoo by Stephanie Rose Bird
£15.45 Ex Tax: £15.45
Hoodoo is a bold spiritual tradition that helps enhance your wellbeing and solve everyday problems. This practical, do-it-yourself guide shows you how to use spells, rites, recipes, mojos, and curios to enrich your life and be ready for whatever come..
African American Magick by Stephanie Rose Bird
£15.50 Ex Tax: £15.50
An inspired herbal guide to natural living with ancient techniques, remedies, and rituals from around the world centered on the rhythms of the seasons. The changing of the seasons is magickal, green leaves transforming into browns and golds, snow mel..
Book of Four Occult Philosophers
£58.88 Ex Tax: £58.88
Over three centuries of pivotal magical development, four occult philosophers recorded charms, seals, talismans, and magical lore into a single book. Now, Daniel Harms makes this priceless volume accessible to all collectors and historians through hi..
Cash Box Conjure, Hoodoo Spells by Phoenix LeFae
£12.00 Ex Tax: £12.00
Cash Box Conjure is a veritable treasure-trove of down-home money-magic and prosperity spells. Learn old-school hoodoo methods for drawing luck and increasing cash flow in your home or business, as well as how to get that winning edge in gambling, lo..
Charms, Spells and Formulas by Ray Malbrough
£0.00 Ex Tax: £0.00
Revealing to you the secrets of Hoodoo magick, Charms, Spells and Formulas by Ray Malbrough helps you learn how to use the simple materials of nature to bring positive benefits to your life...
Compendium of Herbal Magick
£22.85 Ex Tax: £22.85
All inclusive, the Compendium of Herbal Magick by Paul Beyerl describes over 330 herbs in over 100 illustrations and information on altars, astral work, clairvoyance, Goddess and Deity worship, and what herbs have what astrological associations...
Complete Book of Voodoo
£15.45 Ex Tax: £15.45
The Complete Book of Voodoo by Robert Pelton is the definitive work on the history, ritual, and powers of the ancient art of voodoo, offering the closely kept secrets of this powerful form of magic...
Creating Magickal Entities
£11.95 Ex Tax: £11.95
Creating Magickal Entities is a comprehensive reference manual that presents step-by-step instructions for creating entities through astral manipulation that will change your life. This manual, written by three practicing occultists, reveals magickal..
Deliverance, Hoodoo Spells by Khi Armand
£12.00 Ex Tax: £12.00
Hoodoo Spells of uncrossing, healing, and protection. Using tools and techniques from the Southern Conjure tradition, this practical, down-to-earth guide teaches you how to use uncrossing spells to take off rootwork, clean up old messes, heal emotion..